Deb Allen

Debra Allen, Realtor, has been selling Marin homes since 1992: Nine years with Frank Howard Allen Realtors (including "Rookie of the Year") and 13 years with Pacific Union (including Opus, top 1% Nationally), followed by a few years with Compass and currently with Coldwell Banker. She's a member of MAR, CAR, NAR, Mill Valley and West Marin Chambers of Commerce and Marin's Top Agent Network (TAN). Originally from Minnesota, Debra grew up in Berkeley (Cal grad), speaks Portuguese (Carioca accent), fundraises for the Muir Beach Volunteer Fire Department and donates to practically all of the pet rescue organizations. She is thankful for Marin's trails, beaches, nature and breathing room. She enjoys matching buyers and sellers and helping each successfully move in or move on. Any price range is fine, as long everyone keeps a sense of humor during the transaction's hiccups! Please enjoy some client feedback below:

What some clients have said:

"By far the best agent that I have dealt with in seven acquisitions in two countries and three states. Attentive, thoughtful, helpful and effective. Supportive, reassuring, trustworthy and professional!"
- Doctor and Editor, Mill Valley

"We were attracted to (Debra´s) low-key and educational style!
- Tech Business, Muir Beach

"(She) took a forgotten house and put it back at the forefront of the agents´ consciousnesses. (She) is extremely pleasant to work with and never gives up!"
- Attorneys, Mill Valley

"Debra has done everything from help us find a dog to a handyman, which made it an easy and enjoyable transition into our new home!"
- Investment Banker, Mill Valley

"(Debra) took us by the hands and led us through (the) process with a minimum of impact on our time and resources. (She did) a professional, selfless and magical job in finding our dream home!"
- Author and Animator, Inverness

"I find myself constantly referring to the title of an old Rolling Stones song called "It´s the Singer, Not the Song!"
- Photographer, Sausalito




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Debra Allen, Realtor, DRE 01002768
CB Realty  •  25 E. Blithedale Ave.  •  Mill Valley, Ca 94941

© 2024 Debra Allen